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Municipality of Lyngby-Taarbaek:
Guesswork was replaced by live data in Municipality of Lyngby-Taarbaek
With more than 6,000 devices, the IT department of Municipality of Lyngby-Taarbaek has a lot of work on its plate. But whereas earlier important decisions about purchasing new equipment and upgrading programs where based on guesses, now precise data are the foundation for the municipality’s IT dispositions. This has been made possible by the introduction of the Echo solution, which improves the IT budget, is easy to implement and makes the users more self-reliant according to the IT department management.

There is hidden gold in device data states Municipality of Lyngby-Taarbaek
Two things in particular challenged Municipality of Lyngby-Taarbaek before the Echo-solution started to send live data directly to the monitors of the offices of the IT department.
“One of them was the asset management demands we must meet and that our audit had asked about multiple times. Until now we have based our feedback on what I would call qualified guessing, because there really was no accurate data,” says Mikkel Arp, IT-Manager of Center for Kultur, IT, Politik og Organisation in the Municipality of Lyngby-Taarbaek.
“The second thing was the support for our users, when they call in to create a case and we need to know what equipment they have. Today we have live data on all devices directly on the screens, and we know who’re using what equipment and what the status of the equipment is.”
Financial projections and qualified decisions
Team leader of Stab og Projekt, Nicolai Brendstrup, is also satisfied that all the municipality’s devices are under control.
“Now we know exactly where each device is located, who’s using it and when it was last online,” he states and tells that the municipality also used the data from the Echo-solution to project when there is a need for replacing endpoints, which devices can and which cannot run Windows 11 and when there is a need for more RAM.
“And it is also this data that resulted in us being able to take a decision based on a qualified base about whether or not to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11,” tells Mikkel Arp.
Integration across the organization
One thing is the valuable data that are now streaming into Municipality of Lyngby-Taarbaek through the Echo-solution. Something entirely different is the fact that Echo has opened for completely new integration possibilities across the municipality’s device platforms. The united overview now includes mobile devices, Windows-machines and servers, and data has been structured and can be reported and shown in real-time.
Nicolai Brendstrup highlights the integration to the municipality’s service- and support system as one of the aspects that really enhances efficiency.
“When you as an employee in the helpdesk need to find out was is wrong, you can now skip the first 2-3 questions, that you usually needed to work through with the owner of the device. Now we can see straight away what kind of equipment is in use, where the user is located and if the device is connected to Wi-Fi or cable. We are saving a lot of time because we now have all the information as live data and they are sent directly into our servicedesk system.”
Missing equipment reemerges
One of many functionalities in Echo that Lyngby-Taarbaek finds useful is the solution’s ability to detect missing equipment.
“We had the challenge of equipment that we could not localize almost daily. But after we got Echo, we know where all devices are. The solution reported to us that a device was found in California, USA, because an employee had forgot to return it. We got the device back, and that has a significant influence on our IT economy,” says Nicolai Brendstrup.
Easy implementation
When you want to implement a new IT system it usually demands a noticeable effort from the organisation’s IT resources. But this was not the case, when Municipality of Lyngby-Taarbaek introduced the Echo solution.
“It was really easy to activate the solution. The base elements are already inside each device, which means that it did not take many moments to get it running. The results started coming in right away. After 24 hours we had a reasonable overview and after a month we had a really good overview. That is quite fast, I think,” says Mikkel Arp, who adds that it didn’t take more than a couple of weeks before the Municipality’s MDM-system was integrated to Echo.
Great recommendation of Echo
“I actually think, that our greatest investment has been patience in those first few days before the data really started flowing in. And the dialogue with NetCloud as a provider has just been easy all the way through. In reality, I think that we have been the slow link in this process, because NetCloud has been ready to go from the beginning and has helped us with adapting the views that we wanted Echo to give us,” tells Mikkel Arp.
The satisfaction with Echo is high in the Municipality of Lyngby-Taarbæk, and both Mikkel Arp and Nicolai Brendstrup are ready with a recommendation for other companies to look into this solution.
“I can not recommend the implementation of Echo more to other municipalities and companies. We have never seen other tools that could give us such precise and live data, that we can get from Echo,” Mikkel Arp states.
“We have gotten so much, both integrations and automations. It is a solid recommendation of Echo from us,” ends Nicolai Brendstrup.
"Now we know exactly where each device is located, who’s using it and when it was last online"
Nicolai Brendstrup
Team leader of Stab og Projekt
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